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Sangitar´s Column
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SOL'A'VANA Steps Trial Issue
48 Steps Trial Issue
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Everything you are is stored in you.
Permit the magic to expand the flow of the divine might in you.
Magic has been worked with in each dimension of time. This ancient knowledge is now being brought to you by the spiritual world.
And so many human beings will be trained to be great magicians. Magic is a wonderful task in this your time. When you give the intention to learn the profession of magician, then a very special vibration of the light and the love is released in you.
I - Merlin - will look after you, just like once in the times of Avalon.
Magician is a profession of the New Age.
"The High Art of Magic" has been channelled by Sabine Sangitar so that you can pass it on to the human beings as lightful magician.
The set "The High Art of Magic" comprises:
1. CD - Channeling Merlin (Your Vow)
2. CD - Channeling Kuthumi (Initiation into Magic)
3. Booklet "The High Art of Magic" with rituals for you, for your clients and for the collective
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