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SOL'A'VANA Steps Trial Issue
48 Steps Trial Issue
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When Jesus the Christ came to Earth he carried 18 aspects within, just like you. One of these aspects was his angel aspect. In the course of his awakening Jesus became aware of his angel aspect and woke his inner angels up to life.
This angel group bears the sound Faba'Jennas. These angels accompanied Jesus on his path. He had unshakeable faith in his angel group. Again and again Jesus made conscious contact with his angel group Faba'Jennas and let himself be guided by them.
The angel group Faba'Jennas contain the Prosonodo Light and the Eleua Energy. These powerful energies bring changes for the Golden Age. These energies are formed by the immeasurable love of Jesus and his wisdom.
The High Council has decided to make the energy of Faba'Jennas available to each human being. The stone Faba'Jennas came into being.
In a channeling Shan'Shija will embed the energy of the angel group Faba'Jennas in your stone and fuse them with your soul aspect. When you carry the stone Faba'Jennas with you it will come to big changes in your life.
Welcome them.
This stone will be attuned to your light body. Only you may touch your Faba'Jennas stone. Also keep it with you while you are asleep.
Your Sabine - Sangitar
- Stone Faba'Jennas- Channeling CD: Fusion of the Angel Group Faba'Jennas with Your Soul Aspect
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