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SOL'A'VANA Steps Trial Issue
48 Steps Trial Issue
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Every cosmic light bears certain attributes within. When you were created in the universe as pure light by your cosmic parents their attributes also embedded themselves in your structure. Similar to how you have inherited characteristics from your human parents, too, you have been given many more parts of your cosmic parents. Often it is difficult for many human beings in the duality to live and convert these characteristics.
Now is the time of change. The more you develop yourself and absorb the energy of the Divine Reality in yourself, the deeper the structures in your Light Body change. You can absorb the whole energy of your original parents and actually live it. For this it is also important to know your original name, for it is the bearer of your essence and returns the memory of who you are to you. Should you not know your original name or your cosmic parents by name then connect yourself with the energy of your origin and with the energy of your cosmic parents.
The energy of your original parents is very important for the path to awakening. The two balls are charged by yourself with a ritual that the spiritual world has passed on through me. Through this they have a highly energetic effect. As soon as you hold the balls in your hands the structure of your intention already shows in your Light Body and the energy of your cosmic parents begins to work.
How to Energize:
When you have bought the balls then welcome them with the ritual of the accompanying CD. Take the white ball into the right and the pink ball into the left hand.
The white ball contains the energy of your cosmic father and the pink ball the energy of your cosmic mother. While you are holding the balls in your hands hear the words of Metatron and let yourself fall into this wonderful energy.
The balls are now being charged with the energy of your cosmic parents for you.
Afterwards you may not let any other human being touch the balls. They are your balls that are charged with the energy and the attributes of your cosmic parents.
As soon as you hold the balls in your hands your energy gets stronger. Especially when you take your Steps you will feel the power of your cosmic parents.
I wish you very much joy with the balls of the elemental force and would like to thank you for your trust.
Your Sabine Sangitar
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